Why am I writing this?

I have known many, many people who have had their dogs die from cancer. In many cases, the cancer was too far advanced to treat. Of those who did treat, you don't know the details of what they went through. It sounds quite simple when summarized with 'we went though chemo and he lived 2 years'. There is a whole lot more emotion and decisions to be made. Treatment is not always simple.

This blog is my own personal experience. Some days are filled with frustration, others are filled with laughter. If anyone is offended, I can't apologize for my emotions. I typed what I felt at the time. It does not mean I feel the same today. If you want clarification, just ask. No matter my frustrations, I know my vet and oncologist are doing a fantastic job of caring for Arri. He just is not co-operating by being a 'typical' case.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 5, 2012

trying to get comfortable with both e-collars on.
I didn’t think I would have much to say now that we are in the healing process.  I guess Arri likes the attention.  Today we left for church as usual.  When we arrived home and let the dogs out of the bedroom, Arri had blood and fluid dripping down his leg.  He wasn’t able to lick the wound but in his efforts, the edge of the e-collar scratched and rubbed it, making it bleed.  I gathered up all the wound cleaning supplies and some bandages.  I am not supposed to cover the wound but for a little while, I need to so it can rest from irritation.  Arri was not thrilled with this soaking.  I can only imagine from my own injuries that even at room temperature, the water burned.  I covered and wrapped the leg.  Arri has been placed on double duty e-collar restrictions.  I pulled out the useless inflatable and put it on him, then added the traditional e-collar.  The boy looks pretty pathetic.

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