Why am I writing this?

I have known many, many people who have had their dogs die from cancer. In many cases, the cancer was too far advanced to treat. Of those who did treat, you don't know the details of what they went through. It sounds quite simple when summarized with 'we went though chemo and he lived 2 years'. There is a whole lot more emotion and decisions to be made. Treatment is not always simple.

This blog is my own personal experience. Some days are filled with frustration, others are filled with laughter. If anyone is offended, I can't apologize for my emotions. I typed what I felt at the time. It does not mean I feel the same today. If you want clarification, just ask. No matter my frustrations, I know my vet and oncologist are doing a fantastic job of caring for Arri. He just is not co-operating by being a 'typical' case.

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11: answered prayer

For those who have been praying for rest, prayers answered, we finally had some.  It was a good night. I was only up once due to hot panting.  I will see if this trick works tonight but I stuck an ice pack under the covers where Arri normally lays.  At first he avoided the section but he ended up laying on it.   In the morning, Arri was slow to get going but that has become the norm.

When Tim announced a trip to the park, Arri was in line to go.  Tim should have taken Arri on the first trip, not the second.  By the time Tim came to get him, he was less enthusiastic.  He did go but didn't get out of the car.  He enjoyed the car ride.

The day  was up and down and up and down.  Lots of rest, very little coughing.  More stumbling when he tries to get moving but once under way, he gets around fine.  He doesn't recover from toileting any more.  He squats so low and doesn't have the strength to lift his end back up.  Whether the weakness is fatigue or something growing inside causing havoc, I don't know.  Most likely it is fatigue.  We had moments of bright eyes interspersed with a dazed, far away look.

 He was restless most of the day.  He did have enough energy to stalk me around the house.  Normally I can leave a room, telling him I will be right back and he will stay.  Today, he would get up to follow me right away.  I always had to be in view.

When it wasn't raining, he spent some time outside.  I had to make him go out the door.  He knew he had to go but didn't want to cross the threshold.  He has not had any accidents.  Of course now that I have typed that out loud, I am sure he will.

The ace bandage was only somewhat successful.  Two problems were that I did not wrap it overly tight to keep it in place because I don't want any restriction on breathing.  The other problem related to that was that when he would spin in place to face a different direction, the wrap moved.  A thundershirt was suggested.  Excellent idea.  Didn't work.  The wound is too low on his belly and the shirt didn't cover it. I tried boxers, they wouldn't stay on.  What I need is a tube top.  70's fashion, where are you when I need you?  I ended up just putting a big bandaid on it.  Much to my amazement  it has stayed on.   He is starting to bleed through it so I need to change it out.  Hopefully the new one will stay on for the night.

Dr. Mike wasn't in the office today, so tomorrow morning we will go in so he can do a progress review.   I will have a partial answer as soon as we get in the door.  He loves everyone there.  As soon as we enter, he heads behind the counter.  So his reaction will tell me something.

As I review quality of life, I ask myself if he is sleeping more? Has his life boiled down to sleeping and going outside.   And then I look at the other 3 dogs - each unconscious in a comfy spot. I am not sure sleep is going to be a good indicator. Summer was having a most excellent dream earlier.  She was curled up on the sofa, tail hanging off.  Her tail starts wagging and wagging and wagging.  It was pretty funny.

The other day I bought Arri a steak at the grocery store.  I do not yet know when his last meal will be but it should be a good one if I can control it.  I decided to cook it tonight.  He has not been eating canned food so I was not sure if he would eat any.  I cut it into itty pieces and hand fed some of it too him.  I didn't give him too much.  I will use it for treats tomorrow.

Yesterday I made a pumpkin pie.  Tim asked me why? - not that he needs a reason because he loves pumpkin pie.  I was just out of the blue doing it. Of course I burst into tears because I was making it for Arri.  I made one sometime in January or early February and gave Arri a couple of bites.  He loved it.

So tonight when I had a piece, I shared it with Arri.  I gave him the first bite and he licked the fork so after that, he used the fork and I used my fingers.  Pumpkin pie is convenient that way.  Tim asked if he should just give Arri his own piece.  I said no, I don't want him to get sick.  Tim's look was priceless. Really?   Sick?  What I meant was that I don't want him throwing up or the big D.

So I just changed Arri's bandage.  That was some good stick um'.  All I can say is that if anyone ever needs a wax, do not come to me.  I am so very sorry Arri.  I almost didn't put a fresh one on but it was oozing pretty good.  Tomorrow, the pros will figure something out.

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