Why am I writing this?

I have known many, many people who have had their dogs die from cancer. In many cases, the cancer was too far advanced to treat. Of those who did treat, you don't know the details of what they went through. It sounds quite simple when summarized with 'we went though chemo and he lived 2 years'. There is a whole lot more emotion and decisions to be made. Treatment is not always simple.

This blog is my own personal experience. Some days are filled with frustration, others are filled with laughter. If anyone is offended, I can't apologize for my emotions. I typed what I felt at the time. It does not mean I feel the same today. If you want clarification, just ask. No matter my frustrations, I know my vet and oncologist are doing a fantastic job of caring for Arri. He just is not co-operating by being a 'typical' case.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Jan 4 A letter to Annie

This morning I found this letter in my e-mail from Arri to his girlfriend Annie.  Annie is a month or so  younger than Arri and they cyber grew up together.  They have never met but have been long distance sweethearts since the beginning.  

Hey Sweet Annie

It's Arri.  I'm going to be moving to the Rainbow Bridge soon.  I am still in the hospital but mom is coming to get me today whether they like it or not.  She is upset that I am two hours away so she has not been able to come to see me every day.  I have been doing ok but this morning I woke up breathing a little harder.  My heart heart has been declared perfect but then I already knew that.  Our lab hearts are pure love, nothing wrong with that.  It is rest of me that is breaking down.  I have nodules in my lungs, masses on my liver and kidneys and there is a mass in my chest cavity.  Today I am being transferred to an Oncologist to see if there is any medicine to shrink the lump in my chest.  It is a good thing mom talked to the 'real' doctor last night.  The student dr she talked to this morning upset her because she didn't know what was going on.  She tried to tell mom that oncology might not see new patients on Fridays.  But mom kept her cool because she already knew the reason I was not going home was because oncology would see me right away if I was transferred.  If I had come home and tried to get an appointment, we wouldn't get in until next week.   Mom has not given up but we know that time is running short.   As I am typing this, the student oncologist called and said the 'real' oncologist will call in a little bit but the plan is to start a chemo treatment and go home for the weekend.  They reported that I am happy and comfortable.   She believes them but having me so far away and dealing with different doctors everyday is taking it's toll on her.  She will be 100 times better once she comes to get me because my happy butt is just what she needs. 

I'll keep you posted on how I am doing.  You take care of yourself and don't catch what I have.  It scares our moms.

Licks, wags, wiggles and LOVE from 

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