Why am I writing this?

I have known many, many people who have had their dogs die from cancer. In many cases, the cancer was too far advanced to treat. Of those who did treat, you don't know the details of what they went through. It sounds quite simple when summarized with 'we went though chemo and he lived 2 years'. There is a whole lot more emotion and decisions to be made. Treatment is not always simple.

This blog is my own personal experience. Some days are filled with frustration, others are filled with laughter. If anyone is offended, I can't apologize for my emotions. I typed what I felt at the time. It does not mean I feel the same today. If you want clarification, just ask. No matter my frustrations, I know my vet and oncologist are doing a fantastic job of caring for Arri. He just is not co-operating by being a 'typical' case.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jan 2, 2013 (Not so) Happy New Year

Happy New Year from Arri!!

It has been awhile since our last post.  So little has been happening and that was a good thing.  Unfortunately, we start the new year off with uncertain news.

Naturally things have to happen over a weekend and just for good measure, lets throw in a holiday.  Arri started coughing on Saturday the 29th.  I wasn't concerned because this had happened before and goes away after a few days.  Coughing leads to gagging with an occasional fainting spell.  By Monday, he was breathing shallower and tiring easier.  The vets office was closed for the holiday and I wasn't ready to take him to the emergency vet.  It just seemed like a winter cold.

New Years day brought a bit more concern.  Arri was not first in line for food.  He has stopped telling me what time it was a few months ago.....(follow the rabbit trail).....   we have noticed more 'senior' moments.  Not hearing or seeing as well.  Seeming to forget why he went into a room or outside. It all goes with the aging process.  The hard part is to distinguish between normal and take him to the vet.  ......(back on track)   but he still would be first in line when I got up to feed them.

 Jan 2:   Arri was coughing quite a bit last night and I had to encourage him out of bed this morning.  He was ready to get up but seemed cautious about jumping off the bed.  I guess for good reason, boy did he have a wipe out.   Poor guy.  Time to start helping him off the bed as well as on.  He was last to his food bowl and walked away 1/2 way through.   Without question, something is not right.  Arri never walks away from food.  He went outside and toileted fine and finished his breakfast after he came in.

Dr Mike was able to see us this morning.  The thought has crossed my mind of cancer in the lungs or other such place but I am still holding out hope for antibiotics and go home. The concept that never crossed my mind was congestive heart failure.  After listening to his breathing, that was the first thing out of the Drs mouth.  Of course, cancer was also a prospect.  So much for antibiotics.  Arri is currently hanging out at the Dr  for x-rays, ekg, blood work etc.  We will know in a few hours what the next step is.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, Dee, this is not what I wanted to read today. I am so sorry to learn that Arri isn't doing well, cancer or not. I am a member of the canine-cancer-mom club, and it sux to high heaven. The only thing I can offer is that there are many puppies in that club who will welcome Arri with open hearts. And there are many of us who will welcome you with open arms. Blessings to you, my friend.
