Why am I writing this?

I have known many, many people who have had their dogs die from cancer. In many cases, the cancer was too far advanced to treat. Of those who did treat, you don't know the details of what they went through. It sounds quite simple when summarized with 'we went though chemo and he lived 2 years'. There is a whole lot more emotion and decisions to be made. Treatment is not always simple.

This blog is my own personal experience. Some days are filled with frustration, others are filled with laughter. If anyone is offended, I can't apologize for my emotions. I typed what I felt at the time. It does not mean I feel the same today. If you want clarification, just ask. No matter my frustrations, I know my vet and oncologist are doing a fantastic job of caring for Arri. He just is not co-operating by being a 'typical' case.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 15, 2012


inside (treatment side)
 First follow-up visit.   It is cold – in the 30’s but the sun is shining.  Arri’s leg is looking really good.  He is still losing hair but the skin looks healthy.  At this point, the cone of shame is still being used since there are still some scabs that he wants to lick.   Arri had many visitors during our check up.  Lots of the girls had to say hello to the goof ball.  Even though all looks good, he does have a new lump on the upper part of his leg, deeper in, not on the surface.  One of the techs did a needle aspiration to see what might be growing.  She thought it might just be fatty.  The Dr. looked at the slide and confirmed it was nothing to be concerned about.  It is not a fatty growth but a node swelling as a result of radiation.  It is not uncommon.  I am to keep an eye on it but it should not be an issue.  Because of the swelling, Arri will continue to be on the anti-inflammatory for another few weeks.  He also is staying on the anti-biotic because he just won’t leave his leg alone.  We can remove the cone of shame when he stops obsessing over his leg.
Normally the next visit would be in two weeks.  Because we drive so far and the wound is looking good, we don’t have to come back for a month.  I am to call in after two weeks to just confirm all is well.

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