Snow day!!!! I got a call from the clinic on the way home yesterday. Our appointment today was supposed to be at 9am. Kathy will be out of town so a sub was coming in. The sub has pneumonia so the treatment was rescheduled for next week. Good because I don’t have to be on the road at 6 am. Bad because just like a snow day, we don’t get to skip a treatment, we have to go one extra day. Treatment will be officially done next Thursday. It was a bit disappointing. For 10 days, I have been looking forward to stopping at Panera for breakfast this morning. I did pick up a bagel on the way home yesterday. I’ll have to toast it myself and it is day old, but I’ll use my imagination and pretend it was just what I wanted.
Today we go shopping for a new e-collar. The lampshade he has now has sharp edges and he is able to reach part of the treatment area. The edge of the collar is cutting into the wound. I have an inflatable one but it is too large. I am REALLY hoping we find what we need.
Seriously, you would think I was getting radiation to my frontal lobe. I take Arri with because I want to make sure it fits, is long enough, whatever. He is a complete goof anytime he is around people and dog food and treats and toys. I foolishly did not put his prong on him. I get to the store and realize I can’t use the gentle leader because he is wearing his e-collar. Let’s just pretend I am not allowed to EVER remove the e-collar (because I did not even think of that option allowing me to use the gentle leader while we were inside).
We get into the PetSmart and he is dragging me around. Flat collar corrections have no effect on him. Every display he sniffs, the e-collar knocks stuff off the shelf. I stop to clean it up, he is at another display destroying it. Naturally, the e-collars are at the back of the store by the grooming area. Smash, crash, thump, the destructive satellite dish makes his way to the back of the store, stopping briefly to inhale the scent of hamster.
I end up picking the largest e-collar they have. It is the only one long enough to prevent him from reaching the ankle. The inflatables are at the other end of the aisle. Between us and them are shelves full of bottles of shampoo, vitamins, grooming stuff. No way I am taking him down there. We swing wide by the grooming room and come across the 65% off toys. I pick out a squeaky duck to amuse Arri while I look at the inflatable collars. I grab a large and hope for the best. Back to the front of the store we go. Did I think to use the end aisle where there are dog beds, kennels and very little stuff to knock on the floor? No, we went back down the center. At least the duck helped. He very proudly carried to the register and did an UP. The things that goofball remembers from training.
Because we absolutely can’t get out of the store without any more incidents, we have a cashier who is on the register for the first time. Was anyone helping her? No. Would my stuff ring up? No. Was Arri a complete dork while waiting in line? Yes. He entertained the people behind us with his collar. They felt bad for him so they gave him a new squeaky. When he tired of that, he tried to get behind the register to sniff around and eat any paper or treats. Thankfully the collar prevented him from getting back there.
I know. I was the complete picture of one of those pet owners that has no control of their dog. Shame on me. I going to blame it on the drugs and pretend that isn’t his normal personality.
Arri with the old e-collar
WOW…not 5 minutes have passed since I typed the above story. I walk into the living room and Arri has ½ his leg in his mouth. Ok, not literally, but he could have. The inflatable collar wasn’t preventing him from licking anything except his chest and he can’t reach that anyway. I am SO glad I didn’t put the new lampshade back on the shelf. So on goes the new e-collar. Once that is on, I smear on some fresh Aquaphor. While I am leaning over doing that, a cat climbs on my back preventing me from standing up without painful cat-u-puncture. Sigh…what next.